‘Non-party political activities’: Five wishes for Yes from Believe in Scotland Youth

Laura Pollock from The National has been speaking to a few groups and individuals about their five wishes for the Yes campaign in 2024. Realistic wishes, not just the ultimate goal.

Below is the list from the newly-launched group Believe in Scotland (BiS) Youth! Founded by 3 young members of Aberdeen Independence Movement, Luke Buchan, Niamh Stolvoort and Camerson Greer. Who worked with Believe in Scotland to create this new organisation.

1. To see an increase in Yes campaigning – not in campaigning for parties

Luke Buchan, who is from Aberdeen and one of the founders of BiS Youth, said: “There will likely be a General Election so there will be a lot of that, but non-party political activities such as those planned by Believe in Scotland will make the difference.

“Elections push people into party mode but the independence movement needs to make sure we separate our vision for Scotland from all political parties so the message flows through party lines.”

2. Increased numbers of young people involved in the campaign

The new group hopes to help facilitate an injection of young people into Yes in any way they can.

Buchan said: “But they need to be able to see what’s in it for them and to have a say in the campaign and undersigning Scotland’s better future.”

3. A clear vision for independent Scotland with a wellbeing economy

The group hopes strategy for a wellbeing economy is provided with “clear vision” and “addresses unfairness, inequality and climate damage”.

They warn that without these issues being addressed “young people will support independence but not drive it”.

4. For the campaign to move into modern times

Buchan argued that effective campaigning and new ideas both online and in person can help bring young people.

5. Just do more

Buchan said: “Everyone has to do more. Posting on social media isn’t enough.

“Independence supporters need to get involved with local groups and, if you are young enough, join Believe in Scotland Youth.

“Lets talk to people and share our hopes and aspirations for Scotland and stop talking divisive politics.”