Denmark – the State of Happiness with Lesley Riddoch

“Aberdeen Independence Movement” present the film “Denmark – the State of Happiness” by Charlie Stuart and Lesley Riddoch.

They are the happiest people on earth, with the most energy sustainable country and bike use higher than the Netherlands, a swim no further than 15 mins from each Copenhagen resident and state-run TV that changed the face of drama with Borgen, the Killing and the Bridge. Yet Denmark is small (the same population and a fraction of Scotland’s land mass) with very little oil/coal/gas to fuel their economy and an empire lost – just like Britain. Still, the Danes bounced back to become the modern, eco-leaders of Europe, while Westminster has collapsed into Little Englanderism. How did they do it?

“Denmark – the State of Happiness” has an estimated run time of 60 minutes followed by a Q&A with Lesley Riddoch, who’d like to thank the Scottish Independence Foundation and another generous co-funder for backing the film.

The screening is:

Saturday 24 Feburary 2024

Doors open at 1.15pm.

At the Park Inn By Radisson, Aberdeen

1 Justice Mill Lane, Aberdeen, AB11 6EQ

You can purchase your ticket here